In class exercises Part I - Slides Part II - All Raster Slides 1. Load raster raster2pgsql -s 4269 -C C:\workspace\prism\PRISM_ppt_provisional_4kmM3_201704_bil.bil precip_apr2017 | psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 -d gep664 2. Check raster catalog SELECT * FROM raster_columns; 3. Check stats SELECT (stats).* FROM ( SELECT ST_SummaryStats(rast,1) AS stats FROM precip_apr2017) AS summary; 4. Load state shapefile Use the shapefile loader to load the states shapefile: - Rename it state_bndy -SRID must be declared as 4269 (NAD 83) 5. Clip operation (create table, clip, spatial index, add constraints) Use the SQL transaction 6. Load in QGIS Use the database manager Part III - Slides Continued 1. NYC Geodatabase Spatialite example