In class exercises - Class #7 Coordinate Systems Part I - Slides SELECT * FROM geometry_columns; SELECT * FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE SRID=2263; SELECT * FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srtext LIKE 'GEOGCS["NAD83%'; then variation with PROJ SELECT * FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srtext LIKE '%New York%'; Part II - Tract Population Centroids Example --Create temporary staging table for import CREATE TABLE nyc.tract_temp ( statefp varchar(2), countyfp varchar(3), tractce varchar(6), population integer, latitude numeric(9,6), longitude numeric(9,6) ); --Create ideal, final table CREATE TABLE nyc.tract_popctr ( geoid varchar(11) PRIMARY KEY, tract varchar(6), pop2010 integer, lat numeric(9,6), lon numeric(9,6), geom geometry(point,2263) ); \copy nyc.tract_temp FROM 'C:\workspace\CenPop2010_TR36.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS ’,’ CSV HEADER OR just use PgAdmin GUI INSERT INTO nyc.tract_popctr (geoid, tract, pop2010, lat, lon, geom) SELECT (statefp || countyfp || tractce), tractce, population, latitude, longitude, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(longitude,latitude),4269),2263) FROM nyc.tract_temp WHERE countyfp IN ('005','047','061','081','085'); DROP TABLE nyc.tract_temp; Shapefile - load zctas file --Transform geometry from NAD83 to NYSP ALTER TABLE nyc.zctas ALTER COLUMN geom TYPE geometry(multipolygon,2263) USING ST_Transform(geom, 2263); --Just to demonstrate how spatial view would work CREATE VIEW nyc.zctas_bronx AS SELECT zcta, bcode, geom FROM nyc.zctas WHERE bcode='36005'; Display in QGIS