Due date: Feb 5, 2019
In your packets (and on the course website at https://spatdb.commons.gc.cuny.edu/readings-docs/) there are two handouts:
- Installing PostgreSQL & PostGIS
- Accessing PostgreSQL & PostGIS Databases
- Read these documents thoroughly and follow the instructions to install PostgreSQL / PostGIS on your own computers or laptops.
- Load the course database gep664_2019, which is available for download from the course website at https://spatdb.commons.gc.cuny.edu/data-software/. Experiment with both pgAdmin 4 and psql to gain some familiarity with them both.
- Using pgAdmin 4: connect to the course database, open the query tool, write the query below, and execute it. Then take a screenshot of the entire database window and save it as an image (a jpg or png) using your last name, i.e. donnelly.jpg. Submit this image to the homework Box account by emailing it to the Box (I will email you the Box address).
SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema IN ('nyc','nys','public');
This code should return a result that lists 19 tables or views that are stored in these three schemas.
Although there is no grade for this assignment, it is crucial that you take this week to set up your working environment, become familiar with it, and ask me questions if you encounter problems. Once we begin doing assignments I will not be going back over the basics of installing and loading the databases, or navigating the database interfaces.